Some codimension 2 projective complete intersections are related to local hypersurface singularities. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given such that the singularities obtained are isolated. Incidentally we prove the finitude of the tangency set of two equidimensional smooth complete intersections with distinct multidegrees.It is a classical idea to relate the study of a complex projective variety V c p" to the study of its affine cone CV, defined by the same homogeneous equations as V in C "+1.When V is a smooth complete intersection, the germ (CV, 0) is an isolated complete intersection singularity and, in this way, many global properties of the variety V are related with the properties of the singularity (CV, 0). See,In this note we present a new link between (a class of) projective varieties and singularities. An avatar of our construction can be found in the table in [1].Let V be a closed subvariety in the complex projective space P" which is not a hypersurface, but whose defining ideal Iv=A = C[xo,...,x,J is generated by two homogeneous polynomials P and Q of degrees p = deg P < deg Q = q. The pair (p, q) is called the type of the variety V and it is clearly well defined.Let (Xv, 0) be the hypersurface singularity at the origin of C "+1 defined by the equation P + Q = 0. First we note that the isomorphism class of the singularity (Xv, 0) does not depend on the choice of the pair of generators (P, Q) for the ideal Iv.Next we give a geometric necessary and sufficient condition on the variety V such that the singularity (Xv, 0) is isolated. It is perhaps more useful and attractive to state this condition in terms of the hypersurfaces He: P = 0 and H~: Q =0 defined by the generators P and Q in p". For an algebraic variety V we denote by SV its singular locus and for two subvarieties V, W c P" of the same dimension we consider the set of tangency points
T(V, W) = {x e (V\SV) ~ (W\SW); TxV = Tx W}.We let ,,] denote the closure of a constructible set A c P". THEOREM 1. The hypersurface singularity (Xv, O) is isolated if and only if Geometriae Dedicata 24 (1987), 255-260.