We analyze the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation when the precession motion of the magnetic moments is additionally subjected to an uniaxial anisotropy and is driven by a multiplicative coupled stochastic field with a finite correlation time τ . The mean value for the spin wave components offers that the spin-wave dispersion relation and its damping is strongly influenced by the deterministic Gilbert damping parameter α, the strength of the stochastic forces D and its temporal range τ . The spin-spin-correlation function can be calculated in the low correlation time limit by deriving an evolution equation for the joint probability function. The stability analysis enables us to find the phase diagram within the α − D plane for different values of τ where damped spin wave solutions are stable. Even for zero deterministic Gilbert damping the magnons offer a finite lifetime. We detect a parameter range where the deterministic and the stochastic damping mechanism are able to compensate each other leading to undamped spin-waves. The onset is characterized by a critical value of the correlation time. An enhancement of τ leads to an increase of the oscillations of the correlation function.