Aim. To evaluate the prognosis of the course of sarcoidosis in patients with a follow-up term of 10 years or more. Methods. Analysis of the literature, comparison with the data from own research. Analyzed was the data on 15 patients with sarcoidosis with the follow-up term of 10 years or more. Compared were the parameters of spirometry, blood tests, blood oxygen saturation, of the conducted treatment in the patients with remission and with a chronic course. Results. In 8 patients (53.3%) during the last follow-up visit (10 years or more after detection) noted was a stable remission (in 7 after the initial detection and in 1 after a single exacerbation). Among all the 15 patients after 10 years or more the frequency of dyspnea on exertion increased from 33.3 to 46.9%, chest pain - from 6.7 to 20%, complaints of weakness decreased from 66.7 to 53.3%, of fever - from 26.7 to 13.3%, and of cough - from 53.3 to 20%, of erythema nodosum - from 40 to 6.7%, of articular syndrome - from 60 to 20%, of splenomegaly - from 13.3 to 6.7%. When comparing the dynamics of the indicators in the subgroup with persistent remission noted was a significant decrease in the instantaneous volume rate after the exhalation of 50% of the forced vital lung capacity; blood oxygen saturation and diastolic blood pressure significantly increased, the proportion of monocytes in the leukocyte formula decreased. Registered was a significant increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate within the physiological range. In patients with a chronic course of sarcoidosis occurred a significantly reduction of the forced vital lung capacity, of the forced expiratory volume in 1 s, of the instantaneous volume rate after exhalation of 25% of the forced vital lung capacity. Conclusion. The best prognosis had the patients, who were young adults with an acute onset, and who did not receive glucocorticoids. Pentoxifylline may improve the course and outcome of sarcoidosis.