ZusammenfassungUplake aid transport of Mn applied to leaves was studied in maize (Zeu mays cv. Regent) and horse bean (Vicia fuha cv. Herzfreya). two imponant crops in Egypt. Under controlled conditions in a growth chamber, make and horse bean plants were grown in solution culture without Mn. After 20 days, Mn was applied to one older leaf by submerging pan of the leaf blade into 0.1 mM MnSO., or MnEDTA solution for 48 h. At harvest (24 h laler), plants were divided into fractions and Mn concentrations and contents determined. Plants without Mn application served as control. Only I 7i of the Mn supply was taken up. Most of it remained at the application mne. However, pan of the Mn moved out of the leaf of application and was preferentially transported to the shoot apex. This was indicated by a up to 2 times higher Mn concentration of the youngest leaf.When Mn was applied as MIEDTA. Mn uptake was lower but translocation enhanced compared to MnSO.,. There were no consistent differences between the plant species although mobility of Mn seemed to be higher in maize. Although the amounts of Mn taken up and translocated were low, the results suggest that in these plant species, leaf-applied Mn may contribute to the Mn nuuition of new growth.