The 3a,5-cyclo-6P-methoxy (i-methyl ether) moiety is a common protective grouping in steroid partial synthesis. Therefore, the mass spectrometric behavior of 6P-hydroxy-3a,5-cyclo-5a-cholestane, the corresponding methyl, ethyl, and terr-butyl ethers, the analogous ketone, and the parent hydrocarbon has been investigated in order to determine the mechanisms of the characteristic fragmentations of these compounds. Such knowledge is essential for unequivocal structure elucidation by mass spectrometry and also bears on the current interest in the stereospecificity of electron impact induced eliminations. Deuterium labeling of carbon atoms 1,2,3,4,7,8,9, and 19 of6~-methoxy-3a,5-cyclo-5a-cholestane established the course of methanol extrusion and the identity of the highly diagnostic A ring cleavage ion Mt -55. Mechanisms are proposed for these key fragmentations. The mass spectra of the methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl ethers of cholesterol are analyzed, and the features distinguishing these compounds from the isomeric 3,5-cyclosteroids are noted.FREDERICK J. BROWN, IAN J. MASSEY et CARL DJERASSI. Can. J. Chem. 58, 2592Chem. 58, (1980. Lafonction cyclo-3a,5 methoxy-6P (ether methylique i) est ungroupe protecteur courantdans les syntheses partielIes de steroides. Par consequent, on a etudie le comportement en spectrometrie de masse de I'hydroxy-6P cyclo-3a,5 cholestane-5a, des ethers methylique, ethylique et tert-butylique correspondants, de la cetone analogue et de I'hydrocarbure de base dans le but de determiner les mtcanismes des fragmentations caracteristiques de ces composts. Une telle connaissance est essentielle a la determination univoque de la structure par spectrometrie de masse et presente egalement de 13inter&t pour la comprehension de la stCreospecificite des eliminations induites par impact electronique. L e marquage des atomes de carbone-1,2,3,4,7,8,9 et 19 du methoxy-6P cyclo-3a ,5 cholestane-5a par du deuterium a perrnis d'etablir le mode d'elimination du methanol et l'identite de I'ion caracteristique Mf -55 resultant du clivage du cycle A. On propose des mecanismes pour ces fragmentations fondamentales. On a analysk les spectres de masse des ethers methylique, ethylique et tert-butylique du cholesterol et on a note les particularites qui distinguent ces composes des cyclo-3,5 sttroi'des isomeres.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction prompted us to investigate the mass spectrometric The continuing discoveries of new marine sterols behavior of 6P-methoxy-3a ,5-cyclo-5a-cholespossessing unique side chains (2) have spawned a tane, some homologous 3,5-cyclocholestanes, and number of intriguing hypotheses concerning the the isomeric cholesterol ethers. biological origins (2a, c) and roles of such com-The mass spectra of 6P-hydroxy-3a,5-cyclo-5a-pounds (3). Investigations directed toward probing cholestane (1) (9) and the corresponding methyl (2) these questions, as well as the unequivocal struc-(lo), ethyl (3) (ll), and the heretofore unknown ture proofs of the new sterols themselves, rely on tert-buty14 ...