A four-parameter kinematic model for the position of a fluid parcel in a time-varying 1 ellipse is introduced. For any ellipse advected by an arbitrary linear two-dimensional flow, the rates 2 of change of the ellipse parameters are uniquely determined by the four parameters of the velocity 3 gradient matrix, and vice-versa. This result, termed ellipse/flow equivalence, provides a stronger 4 version of the well-known result that a linear velocity field maps an ellipse into another ellipse.
5Moreover, ellipse/flow equivalence is shown to be a manifestation of Stokes' theorem. This is done 6 by deriving a matrix-valued relationship, called the geometric Stokes' theorem, that involves a spatial 7 integral over the velocity gradient tensor, thus accounting for the two strain terms in addition to 8 the divergence and vorticity. General expressions for various physical properties of an elliptical 9 ring of fluid are also derived. The ellipse kinetic energy is found to be composed of three portions, 10 associated respectively with the circulation, the rate of change of the moment of inertia, and the 11 variance of parcel angular velocity around the ellipse. A particular innovation is the use of four 12 matrices, termed the IJKL basis, that greatly facilitate the required calculations.