This paper empirically analyzes the integration development of the modern art design industry and the environmental design industry by constructing a vector autoregressive model (VAR) using the National Bureau of Statistics data on modern art design and the environmental design industry. The exploration of this paper focuses on testing and analyzing the VAR model using the four aspects of smoothness test, cointegration test, Granger causality test, impulse response, and variance decomposition, and analyzing it with Eviews 10.0 software. After the study as well as calculations, it was found that OAD and OED rejected the original hypothesis at 5% significance level after second-order differencing, and the optimal lag order was 1. 48% of the fluctuations in OED were caused by OAD, and 52% were caused by itself. In period 1, 100% of the output value of OAD is caused by itself and 0% by OED. However, from period 2, the value of the contribution of OAD to itself decreases to 59.04% and then stays around 56%. P-value corresponding to OAD and OED is greater than 0.1. P-value corresponding to OED for OAD is 0.0011, which is less than 0.1. It can be concluded that the output value of environmental design is a factor in the output value of modern art and design.