Arrays of semi-infinite and of controlled-aspect-ratio pore channels, both of controlled orientation, were introduced into undoped basal-plane sapphire substrates, using microfabrication techniques, ion-beam etching, and hot pressing. The breakup of these channels via Rayleigh instabilities during a series of annealings at a temperature of 1700°C was monitored. In all cases, the channels broke up with a characteristic wavelength () that was much larger than that expected for a material with isotropic surface energy, which reflected stabilization effects that were due to anisotropy of the surface energy. The break-up wavelength also was very dependent on orientation: channels that were oriented along the [11 00] and [112 0] directions yielded the smallest and largest pore spacings (-values), respectively, which is in qualitative agreement with prior observations. The critical (minimum) aspect ratio for the breakup of finite-length channels into multiple pores also is dependent upon channel orientation, and the trend mirrors that observed for semi-infinite channels. The pattern of channel evolution suggested two-fold rotational symmetry within the basal plane, where, because of the nature of the experiment, apparent six-fold symmetry is expected. Several factors that may contribute to or cause an apparent or real loss of symmetry have been discussed.