The Boltzmann equation for charged particle swarms in gases subject to arbitrarily oriented spatially homogeneous and time-dependent electric and magnetic fields is solved by a recently developed multiterm theory, and attention is focused on the portrayal of the electron transport properties. Temporal variations of the electron transport data are presented for the Reid ramp model gas in varying configurations of electric and magnetic fields for a fixed field frequency and amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields.Index Terms-Boltzmann equation, RF electric and magnetic fields, swarms, transport coefficients. N ONEQUILIBRIUM low-temperature plasma discharges sustained and controlled by radio-frequency (RF) electric and magnetic fields are widely used in many scientific and industrial applications [1]. In many modeling efforts of the collision-dominated bulk region of these plasmas, the description of electron kinetics has turned out to be the most difficult and time-consuming part. First, the electron kinetics develops at the shortest time scales compared to other relevant processes, and due to small frequency of electron-electron collisions, the velocity distribution function exhibits a distinct nonequilibrium nature and can be far from Maxwellian. Second, it is well known that, within these discharges, the fields can vary in space and orientation depending on the type of discharge and transport/plasma properties are essentially nonlocal in both space and time. There is no easy way out-studies of nonlocal and kinetic effects in electron transport in varying configurations of RF electric and magnetic fields require a full kinetic approach Manuscript based on contemporary and accurate techniques for solving the Boltzmann equation.Solution of the Boltzmann equation for charged particle swarms under the influence of time-dependent electric and magnetic fields has been recently detailed by Dujko et al.[2], and we emphasize here only the following critical points: 1) The angular dependence of the phase space distribution function in velocity space is represented in terms of a spherical harmonic expansion; 2) the speed dependence of the phase space distribution function is resolved through an expansion about a Maxwellian at an arbitrary time-dependent temperature in terms of Sonine polynomials; and 3) under hydrodynamic conditions, a sufficient representation of the space dependence and implicit time dependence is an expansion of the distribution function in terms of powers of the density gradient operator. In this paper, we consider the Reid ramp model [3] for electrons in RF electric and magnetic fields. The applied reduced angular frequency Ω/n 0 is set to 2 × 10 −14 rad · m −3 · s −1 while the electric and magnetic field amplitudes are 12 Td (1 Td = 10 −21 V · m 2 ) and 1000 Hx (1 Hx = 10 −27 T · m 3 ), respectively. We employ a coordinate system where E defines the z-axis while B lies in the y-z plane, making an angle ψ with respect to E. Calculations have been performed only for angles between 0 and π/2 rad. ...