Let K be a field of char K = 2. For a ∈ K, we give an explicit answer to the field isomorphism problem of the simplest quartic polynomial X 4 −aX 3 −6X 2 +aX +1 over K as the special case of the field intersection problem via multi-resolvent polynomials. From this result, over an infinite field K, we see that the polynomial gives the same splitting field over K for infinitely many values a of K. We also see by Siegel's theorem for curves of genus zero that only finitely many algebraic integers a ∈ OK in a number field K may give the same splitting field. By applying the result over the field Q of rational numbers, we establish a correspondence between primitive solutions to the parametric family of quartic Thue equationswhere m ∈ Z is a rational integer and c is a divisor of 4(m 2 + 16), and isomorphism classes of the simplest quartic fields.