The Wang-Landau Monte Carlo approach is applied to the coil-globule and melting transitions of off-lattice flexible homopolymers. The solid-liquid melting point and coil-globule transition temperatures are identified by their respective peaks in the heat capacity as a function of temperature. The melting and theta points are well separated, indicating that the coil-globule transition occurs separately from melting even in the thermodynamic limit. We also observe a feature in the heat capacity between the coil-globule and melting transitions which we attribute to a transformation from a low-density liquid globule to a high-density liquid globule. Since the density of states g͑E͒ is independent of temperature, it encapsulates a system's behavior, such as internal energy U͑T͒, at all temperatures in the one calculation. The heat capacity may be readily computed as C V = dU / dT, and phase transitions such as the solid-liquid melting point may be identified by peaks in C V ͑T͒.A calculation of this nature studying the coil-globule transition of flexible homopolymers was recently performed by Rampf et al.,4 who used a lattice model with a squarewell interaction energy between monomers. They measured the solid-liquid and coil-globule transition temperatures and concluded that in the thermodynamic limit, the two transition temperatures coincide, with the swollen coil bypassing the liquid globule and collapsing directly to the solid globule.Independently we have been pursuing a similar study. We have implemented 5 the Wang-Landau algorithm using an off-lattice model incorporating a finitely extensible nonlinear elastic ͑FENE͒ bond potential between neighboring bonded monomers, E bond =−KR 2 ln͑1−͑͑l − l 0 ͒ / ͑l max − l 0 ͒͒ 2 ͒, and a Lennard-Jones two-body potential between all monomers. The average bond length was l 0 = 0.7, bound in the range l ͑0.4, 1.0͒ with spring constant K = 20. The Lennard-Jones parameters were aligned so that the LennardJones energy minimum coincided with the FENE bond length, i.e., = l 0 /2 1/6 and = 1. The microcanonical ensemble average of a range of values including the radius of gyration and the core density ͑defined as the number of monomers in a sphere of radius 2.5 around the monomer closest to the polymer's centre of mass͒ were calculated for each energy bin E and converted to a canonical ensemble average, e.g., ͗R g 2 ͑T͒͘, using the density of states. Calculations were performed for N between 50 and 300. The density of states g͑E͒ was determined within the range E ͓ −4N ,0͒, which allows temperature behavior to be determined in the range T ͑0.5, 3͒, wide enough to cover the transitions described here. Sample densities of states for N = 100, 200, and 300 are given in Fig. 1, shifted to a common value of 2000 at E =0. Heat capacity curves C V ͑T͒ generated from the density of states for Nϭ100, 200, and 300 are shown in Fig. 2. Repeated calculations at each N are given, each based on a different starting configuration of the polymer. Constraints in the computer time available mean the...