“…As special case of the above stacks, for T = ∅ we obtain the stack of pseudostable n-pointed curves of genus g M ps g,n := M ∅ g,n = {n-pointed curves of genus g with ample log canonical class, having singularities that are nodes and cusps, and not having elliptic tails}. Excluding the trivial case (g, n) = (1, 1) (when M ps g,n = ∅) and the pathological case (g, n) = (2, 0) (see [CTV18,Rmk. 1.13] and also Remark 3.8), M ps g,n is a proper Artin stack with finite inertia (and Deligne-Mumford if char(k) = 2, 3) with coarse moduli space φ ps : M ps g,n → M ps g,n which is a normal projective variety.…”