The field measurement campaigns have revealed that voltage sags also occur as clusters and not only as rare phenomena. The clusters of sags represent a stochastic process due to their time dependence; the rare satisfy the requirements for a Poisson distribution process. To forecast both kinds of sags using the statistics of the measurements, different approaches are required. In this study, a general method for predicting both types of sags is proposed with a procedure that can be implemented automatically. The method uses intermittent indices to distinguish between the sites that have a prevalent number of rare sags and the sites where rare sags and clusters occurred. Based on this means of identification, the technique offers two distinct models for predicting each kind of sag. The final goal is to implement the procedure in a measurement system that can automatically pre-analyze the recorded sags and choose the best technique for prediction depending on the type of sag. The first results were satisfying with forecast errors reduced in comparison with those obtained without the proposed procedure.