This paper establishes the spectral stability of monotone traveling front solutions for reaction-diffusion equations where the reaction function is of Nagumo (or bistable) type and with diffusivities which are density dependent and degenerate at zero (one of the equilibrium points of the reaction). Spectral stability is understood as the property that the spectrum of the linearized operator around the wave, acting on an exponentially weighted space, is contained in the complex half plane with non-positive real part. Three different types of monotone waves are studied: (i) stationary diffusion-degenerate fronts, connecting the two stable equilibria of the reaction; (ii) traveling diffusiondegenerate fronts connecting zero with the unstable equilibrium; and, (iii) non-degenerate fronts. In the first two cases, the degeneracy is responsible of the loss of hyperbolicity of the asymptotic coefficient matrices of the spectral problem at one of the end points, precluding the application of standard techniques to locate the essential spectrum. This difficulty is overcome with a suitable partition of the spectrum, a generalized convergence of operators technique, the analysis of singular (or Weyl) sequences and the use of energy estimates. The monotonicity of the fronts, as well as detailed descriptions of the decay structure of eigenfunctions on a case by case basis, are key ingredients to show that all traveling fronts under consideration are spectrally stable in a suitably chosen exponentially weighted L 2 energy space.where u = u(x, t) ∈ R, x ∈ R, t > 0, the reaction function is of Nagumo (or bistable) type [52,45] and the diffusion coefficient is degenerate at u = 0, that is, D(0) = 0. More precisely, we assume that(1.2)As an example we have the quadratic functionfor some constant b > 0, proposed by Shigesada [70, 71] to model dispersive forces due to mutual interferences between individuals of an animal population.The reaction function f : R → R is supposed to be smooth enough and to have two stable equilibria at u = 0, u = 1, and one unstable equilibrium point at u = α ∈ (0, 1), that is,(1.4) for a certain α ∈ (0, 1). A well-known example is the widely used cubic polynomialwith α ∈ (0, 1). Scalar reaction-diffusion equations with a bistable reaction function appear in many different contexts and the nomenclature is not uniform. It is known as the bistable reaction-diffusion equation [16], the Nagumo equation in neurophysiological modeling [45,52], the real Ginzburg-Landau for the variational description of phase transitions [47], the parabolic Allen-Cahn equation [2], as well as the Chafee-Infante equation [9]. For simplicity, in this work we call it the Nagumo reaction diffusion equation. In terms of continuous models of the spread of biological populations, reaction functions of Nagumo type often describe kinetics exhibiting positive growth rate for population densities over a threshold value (u > α), and decay for densities below such value (u < α). The former is often described as the Allee effect, in which agg...