We report the results of molecular dynamics simulation studies that explore two features of the phase diagrams of two two-dimensional systems composed of particles with everywhere repulsive isotropic pair potentials, one proposed by Piñeros, Baldea, and Truskett, and the other by Zhang, Stillinger, and Torquato, each of which supports a high-density Kagome lattice phase.These features are (i) the sequences of phases and the phase transitions characteristic of each system as the density is increased along an isotherm, and (ii) the character of transient structured fluctuations in the phases adjacent to a high-density Kagome lattice phase. As to (i), comparison of the sequences of phases supported by the pair potentials used in our simulations and those supported by other pair potentials provides information vis a vis a relationship between the shape of the pair potential and the density dependence of the sequence of phases. The commonalities in the phase diagrams of the several 2D systems suggests the existence of a universal mechanism driving all to favor a similar series of packing arrangements as the density is increased.However, the collection of simulations considered shows that satisfying the only such general rule proposed, namely the Süto theorem relating the character of the Fourier transform of the pair potential to the existence of multiple ground states of a system, is not a necessary condition for the support of multiple distinct lattice structures by a particular pair potential. As to (ii), the "open" structure of a Kagome lattice requires an unusual rearrangement of the particle packing in the phase from which it emerges. We find that on an isotherm in the liquid phase, close to the liquid-to-Kagome phase transition, the transient structured fluctuations in the liquid have Kagome symmetry whereas deeper in the liquid phase the transient structured fluctuations have hexagonal symmetry. As the deviation of the liquid density from the transition density decreases transient fluctuations with hexagonal symmetry are replaced with those with Kagome symmetry with a coexistence domain of a few percent. When the transition is string phase-to-Kagome 2 phase the transient structured density fluctuations in the string phase near the transition do nothave Kagome character; there are both configurations with six-fold and other than six-fold symmetries, with stronger preference for six-fold symmetry in the Truskett system than in the Torquato system. The path of the string-to-Kagome transition in the Truskett system involves intermediate particle configurations with honeycomb symmetry that subsequently buckle to form a Kagome lattice. The path of the string-to-Kagome transition in the Torquato system suggests that the Kagome phase is formed by coiled strings merging together at three-particle joining sites. The increasing concentration of these joining sites as the density is increased generates a Kagome phase with imperfections such as 8-particle rings.