Using the correspondence between Chern-Simons theories and Wess-Zumino-Witten models we present the necessary tools to calculate colored HOMFLY polynomials for hyperbolic knots. For two-bridge hyperbolic knots we derive the colored HOMFLY invariants in terms of crossing matrices of the underlying Wess-Zumino-Witten model. Our analysis extends previous works by incorporating non-trivial multiplicities for the primaries appearing in the crossing matrices, so as to describe colorings of HOMFLY invariants beyond the totally symmetric or anti-symmetric representations of SU(N). The crossing matrices directly relate to 6j-symbols of the quantum group U q su(N). We present powerful methods to calculate such quantum 6j-symbols for general N. This allows us to determine previously unknown colored HOMFLY polynomials for two-bridge hyperbolic knots. We give explicitly the HOM-FLY polynomials colored by the representation {2, 1} for two-bridge hyperbolic knots with up to eight crossings. Yet, the scope of application of our techniques goes beyond knot theory; e.g., our findings can be used to study correlators in Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theories or -in the limit to classical groups -to determine color factors for Yang Mills amplitudes.
July, 20142 The choice of k 1 and n is slightly different from ref.[21] to ensure that the charge n is integral. The regularization of the unnormalized colored HOMFLY invariants is nonetheless the same.