Young adults experiencing homelessness (YAEH) are at high risk for discrimination. Limited research has documented the extent of discrimination experiences and their relationship to mental health outcomes among this group. This study used data from YAEH who completed self-administered surveys across seven U.S. cities (N = 1,426) to examine the rates and correlates of discrimination experiences and their association with psychological distress and suicidal ideation. Chi-square and multivariate logistic regressions were used to examine the relations between perceived discrimination and race, gender identity, sexual orientation, foster care history, criminal justice history, reasons for homelessness, and length of time homeless. Then, logistic regression was used to examine whether discrimination increased the odds of psychological distress and suicidal ideation, controlling for other factors. Three-fourths (75.8%) of the sample (n = 1,055) reported experiencing at least one of the five forms of everyday discrimination experiences at least a few times a year, with the most common reason attributed to their housing situation (46%). Sexual orientation, juvenile justice involvement, and having been homeless for 2 years or more were associated with increased odds of experiencing discrimination. Discrimination was a strong predictor of psychological distress but was significant only at the bivariate level for suicidal ideation. Study results suggest that experiences of discrimination are common among YAEH and that these experiences increase risk for psychological distress. Providers working with YAEH need to validate and acknowledge the impact of these experiences on mental health. And, communities need to work to reduce discrimination experiences by targeting stigma against YAEH.
Public Policy Relevance StatementThis study found that over three quarters of young adults experiencing homelessness reported discrimination experiences and that these were related to higher rates of psychological distress. Interventions that acknowledge these experiences and build resilience are needed to support YAEH paired with community interventions to reduce the public stigma of homelessness that contributes to these experiences and eliminate policies that criminalize homelesness. aaa This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.