A recent work [1] suggests that a 4d nonperturbative global anomaly of mod 16 class hinting a possible new hidden gapped topological sector beyond the Standard Model (SM) and Georgi-Glashow su(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) with 15n chiral Weyl fermions and a discrete Z 4,X symmetry of X = 5(B − L) − 4Y . This Z 16 class global anomaly is a mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly between the discrete X and spacetime backgrounds. The new topological sector has a GUT scale high energy gap, below its low energy encodes either a 4d noninvertible topological quantum field theory (TQFT), or a 5d short-range entangled invertible TQFT, or their combinations. This hidden topological sector provides the 't Hooft anomaly matching of the missing sterile right-handed neutrinos (3 generations of 16th Weyl fermions), and possibly also accounts for the Dark Matter sector. In the SM and su(5) GUT, the discrete X can be either a global symmetry or gauged. In the so(10) GUT, the X must become gauged, the 5d TQFT becomes noninvertible and long-range entangled (which can couple to dynamical gravity). In this work, we further examine the anomaly and cobordism constraints at higher energy scales above the su(5) GUT to so(10) GUT and so(18) GUT (with Spin(10) and Spin(18) gauge groups precisely). We also find the [1]'s proposal on new hidden gapped topological sectors can be consistent with anomaly matching under the energy/mass hierarchy. Novel ingredients along tuning the energy include various energy scales of anomaly-free symmetric mass generation (i.e., Kitaev-Wen mechanism), the Topological Mass/Energy Gap from anomalous symmetric topological order (attachable to a 5d Z 4,X -symmetric topological superconductor), possible topological quantum phase transitions, and Ultra Unification that includes GUT with new topological sectors.