A polynomial lemniscate is a curve in the complex plane defined by {z ∈ C : |p(z)| = t}. Erdös, Herzog and Piranian posed the extremal problem of determining the maximum length of a lemniscate Λ = {z ∈ C : |p(z)| = 1} when p is a monic polynomial of degree n. In this paper, we study the length and topology of a random lemniscate whose defining polynomial has independent Gaussian coefficients. When the polynomial is sampled from the Kac ensemble we show that the length approaches a nonzero constant as n → ∞. Concerning the connected components of a random lemniscate, we prove that the average number of them is asymptotically n and that there is a positive probability (independent of n) of a giant component, that is, a connected component whose length is some prescribed portion (say half) of the expected total length.