Nowadays operators are forced to struggle with low level configurations and exclusives of network devices vendors to establish and maintain a secure connection and implement complex management policies on these devices. Software Defined Networks (SDN) are a new style of computer networks which provides new facilities and methods for network management and configuration by separating control level and data level. In order to improve the video Quality of Service (QoS) and increase the efficiency of the end-to-end performance, it is necessary to select the best route and implement QoS for videos, whilst there may be different routes between the transmitter and the receiver and due to network's complexity, discover the optimal route would be impossible. Hence the existing solution is a SDN with an overall view. In this paper, At First, QoS definitions are expressed. Second, traffic engineering methods in current networks is discussed. Finally, a new technique to improve QoS over SDN is proposed. Results of performance evaluation showed that the proposed method is better than existing methods.