We examine locally compact normal spaces in models of form PFA(S) [S], in particular characterizing paracompact, countably tight ones as those which include no perfect pre-image of ω 1 and in which all separable closed subspaces are Lindelöf.say PFA(S)[S] implies ϕ if ϕ holds whenever we force with S over a model of PFA(S), for S a coherent Souslin tree. We shall say ϕ holds in a model of form PFA(S)[S] if ϕ holds in some particular model obtained this way.PFA(S)[S] and particular models of it impose a great deal of structure on locally compact normal spaces because they entail many useful consequences of both PFA and V = L. We amalgamate here three previous preprints [45], [47], and [46] dealing with characterizing paracompactness and killing Dowker spaces in locally compact normal spaces, as well as with homogeneity in compact hereditarily normal spaces. Our proofs will avoid the difficult set-theoretic arguments in other papers on PFA(S)[S] by just quoting the familiar principles derived there, and so should be accessible to any set-theoretic topologist.The consequences of PFA(S)[S] we shall use and the references in which they are proved are: (Balogh's) (defined below) [19]; ℵ 1 -CWH (locally compact normal spaces are ℵ 1 -collectionwise Hausdorff [49]); PID (P-ideal Dichotomy (defined below) [28]). We also mention for the reader's interest: MM (compact countably tight spaces are sequential [54]); FCL (every first countable hereditarily Lindelöf space is hereditarily separable [32]); FCℵ 1 -CWH (every first countable normal space is ℵ 1 -collectionwise Hausdorff [31]); OCA (Open Colouring Axiom [17]); b = ℵ 2 ([29]). In the particular model used in [31], we also have: FCCWH (every first countable normal space is collectionwise Hausdorff [31]); CWH (locally compact normal spaces are collectionwise Hausdorff [49]);