For a number field K, an algebraic variety X/K is said to have the Hilbert Property if X(K) is not thin. We are going to describe some examples of algebraic varieties, for which the Hilbert Property is a new result.The first class of examples is that of smooth cubic hypersurfaces with a K-rational point in P n /K, for n ≥ 3. These fall in the class of unirational varieties, for which the Hilbert Property was conjectured by Colliot-Thélène and Sansuc.We then provide a sufficient condition for which a surface endowed with multiple elliptic fibrations has the Hilbert Property. As an application, we prove the Hilbert Property of a class of K3 surfaces, and some Kummer surfaces.
BackgroundThis section contains some preliminaries. In particular, in the last paragraph, we shall recall some known results, that will be used in later sections, concerning the Hilbert Property. Moreover, we shall take care here of most of the notation that will be used in the paper.Notation Throughout this paper, except when stated otherwise, k denotes a perfect field and K a number field. A (k-)variety is an algebraic quasi-projective variety (defined over a field k), not necessarily irreducible or reduced. Unless specified otherwise, we will always work with the Zariski topology.