Gravitomagnetic equations result from applying quaternionic differential operators to the energy-momentum tensor. These equations are similar to the Maxwell's EM equations. Both sets of the equations are isomorphic after changing orientation of either the gravitomagnetic orbital force or the magnetic induction. The gravitomagnetic equations turn out to be parent equations generating the following set of equations: (a) the vorticity equation giving solutions of vortices with nonzero vortex cores and with infinite lifetime; (b) the Hamilton-Jacobi equation loaded by the quantum potential. This equation in pair with the continuity equation leads to getting the Schrödinger equation describing a state of the superfluid quantum medium (a modern version of the old ether); (c) gravitomagnetic wave equations loaded by forces acting on the outer space. These waves obey to the Planck's law of radiation.Keywords superfluid quantum vacuum · gravitomagnetic · electromagnetism · wave function · vorticity · vortex · cosmic microwave radiation 1 Introduction Roger Penrose in his earlier works [65,66] has proposed the formalism of twistor algebra where four parameters of the space-time, t, x, y, z, by amazing manner find accordance with spinor group SU(2). Twistor theory was originally proposed as a new geometric framework for physics that aims to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics [6]. An unexpected interconnection between