Generalising Hendriks' fundamental triples of PD 3 -complexes, we introduce fundamental triples for PD n -complexes and show that two PD n -complexes are orientedly homotopy equivalent if and only if their fundamental triples are isomorphic. As applications we establish a conjecture of Turaev and obtain a criterion for the existence of degree 1 maps between n-dimensional manifolds. Another main result describes chain complexes with additional algebraic structure which classify homotopy types of PD 4 -complexes. Up to 2-torsion, homotopy types of PD 4 -complexes are classified by homotopy types of chain complexes with a homotopy commutative diagonal.
57P10; 55S35, 55S45
IntroductionIn order to study the homotopy types of closed manifolds, Browder and Wall introduced the notion of Poincaré duality complexes. A Poincaré duality complex, or PD n -complex, is a CW-complex X whose cohomology satisfies a certain algebraic condition. Equivalently, the chain complex y C .X / of the universal cover of X must satisfy a corresponding algebraic condition. Thus Poincaré complexes form a mixture of topological and algebraic data and it is an old quest to provide purely algebraic data determining the homotopy type of PD n -complexes. This has been achieved for n D 3, but, for n D 4, only partial results are available in the literature. assigned to each PD n -complex X an algebraic Poincaré duality complex given by the chain complex y C .X /, together with a symmetric structure. However, Ranicki considered neither the realizability of such algebraic Poincaré duality complexes nor whether the homotopy type of a PD n -complex is determined by the homotopy type of its algebraic Poincaré duality complex.This paper presents a structure on chain complexes which completely classifies PD 4 -complexes up to homotopy. The classification uses fundamental triples of PD 4 -complexes, and, in fact, the chain complex model yields algebraic conditions for the realizability of fundamental triples.A fundamental triple of formal dimension n 3 comprises an .n 2/-type T , a homomorphism !W 1 .T / ! Z=2Z and a homology class t 2 H n .T; Z ! /. There is a functor,n -complexes and maps of degree one to the category Trp n C of triples and morphisms inducing surjections on fundamental groups. Our first main result is:Theorem 3.1 The functor C reflects isomorphisms and is full for n 3.Corollary 3.2 Take n 3. Two closed n-dimensional manifolds or two PD ncomplexes, respectively, are orientedly homotopy equivalent if and only if their fundamental triples are isomorphic. Theorem 3.1 also yields a criterion for the existence of a map of degree one between PD n -complexes, recovering Swarup's result for maps between 3-manifolds and Hendriks' result for maps between PD 3 -complexes.In the oriented case, special cases of Corollary 3.2 were proved by Hambleton and Kreck [6] and Cavicchioli and Spaggiari [5]. In fact, in [6], Corollary 3.2 is obtained under the condition that either the fundamental group is finite or the second rational homology of the 2-type is n...