“…But they are sufficiently diverse and numerous to show that coercion, trauma, and harm do not inhere in male homosexual hebephilicinteractionsandsomuststemfromothersources.Aside fromaggravatingfactors(e.g.,force),importantcandidates,characteristicintheWestbutnotinmanyothercultures,include:sharply negative attitudes about immature sexuality and a traditional unease with sex in general (Ford & Beach, 1951),which can foster reactions of anxiety or shock to hebephilic approaches or encounters, especially if the youth is sexually naïve (Constantine, 1981); the opprobrium and disgust traditionally associated with the homosexual aspect of this behavior (Crompton, 2003); actual or anticipated severe negative reactions by significant others (Baurmann, 1983); and the post-1970s narrative that all forms of adult-minor sex are uniquely abusive and injurious, which can lead to nocebo reactions (Clancy, 2009), iatrogenic harm (Malón, 2009), and perceived harm via effort after meaning (Pope & Hudson, 1995).…”