In the Indian Himalaya, the Cambrian sequences are exposed in the Lesser and Tethyan Himalayan zones (LHZ and THZ). In the LHZ, the Cambrian biozonation is available at four stratigraphic intervals, i.e., at ~542-535 Ma, ~524-513 Ma, ~516 Ma, and ~512 Ma. In the THZ, the Cambrian biozonation exists broadly at two stratigraphic intervals, i.e., ~514-505 Ma (in the Spiti region and partially in the Kashmir region) and ~505-498 Ma (in the Zanskar region and partially in the Kashmir region). The Indian Cambrian faunal elements share Gondwanan and peri-gondwanan affinities. The depositional environments of the Cambrian sediments of THZ and LHZ show a wide array of settings. Cambrian of the Himalaya and the Peninsular India In the Paleozoic succession of the Indian Himalaya, the Cambrian sequences, volumetrically form the most abundant rocks (Wadia, 1975; Brookfield, 1993). The Cambrian sequences occurs in two broad lithotectonic zones (i) the LHZ framed by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the south and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in the north and, (ii) the THZ bounded by the Vaikrita Group rocks with tectonic / non-conformable contact with the Greater Himalayan Zone (GHZ) in the south and the Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) in the north. The Cambrian sequences within each zone are classified according to the structural/topographic basin in which they occur. Myrow et al. (2009) suggested that the Greater Himalayan Zone (GHZ) also includes deformed Cambrian sedimentary rocks in its central part-a contention yet to be proved. Rocks of the Cambrian age are also known from the craton of the peninsular part of the Indian plate i.e., the Bikaner-Nagaur region of the Rajasthan basin (