A new series expansion-based method, the Combined Geoelectric Weighted Inversion (CGWI) procedure is presented and tested by using synthetic and in-field measured datasets. The method is an improved version of the Combined Geoelectric Inversion (CGI) robustified by involving Cauchy-Steiner weights in an Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares technique. The new procedure is compared to the Fourier series expansion-based 1.5D and the CGI methods as well as to the broadly applied RES2DINV inversion procedure. The field measurements are performed during stone exploration in an active quarry on the south-western slopes of the Mátra mountains, in northern Hungary. It is shown that the CGWI method gives stable and robust parameter estimation with acceptable accuracy. The comparison with other inversion methods is based on data distances, estimation errors and correlation parameters calculated on the base of the parameter correlation matrix.