An integer distance digraph is the Cayley graph Γ(Z, S) of the additive group Z of all integers with respect to some finite subset S ⊆ Z. The domination ratio of Γ(Z, S) is the minimum density of a dominating set in Γ(Z, S). We establish some basic results on the domination ratio of Γ(Z, S) and precisely determine it when S = {s, t} with s dividing t. Recently there has been some research work on the existence of an efficient dominating set in a finite Cayley graph; see, e.g., and Dejter-Serra [5]. An efficient dominating set, also called a perfect code, of a digraph Γ is a dominating set D such that every vertex of Γ is dominated by exactly one vertex in D. For a finite Cayley graph Γ = Γ(G, S) with n = |G| vertices, each having d = |S| outgoing edges, there is a straightforward lower bound γ(Γ) ≥ n/(1 + d), where the equality holds if and only if there exists an efficient dominating set.A circulant (di)graph is a finite Cayley graph Γ(Z n , S) where Z n is the finite cyclic group of integers modulo n and S is a subset of Z n . When −S := {−s : s ∈ S} coincides with S, the digraph Γ(Z, S) can be viewed as an undirected graph. Circulant graphs provide important topological structures for interconnection networks due to their symmetry, fault-tolerance, routing capabilities, and other good properties, and have been used in telecommunication networks, VLSI design, and distributed computation. Domination in circulant graphs has been studied by Huang-Xu [7], Kumar-MacGillivray [8], Obradović-Peters-Ružić [11], Rad [12], and others. Let γ(Z n , S) denote the domination number of Γ(Z n , S). The following results are known for the double loop network Γ(Z n , {1, s})