The use of acetaldehyde and oxygen htead of peracetic acid as an oxidislng aqent. A simple preparation of iodoxybenzene.In our paper on the induced oxidation of iodobenzene during the oxidation of benzaldehyde in an atmosphere of oxygen I ) , we mentioned that B 6 e s e k e n and S c h n e i d e r investigated 4 ) the oxidation of iodobenzene by peracetic and perbenzoic acid. Using a solution of peracetic acid in acetic acid, they obtained iodosobenzene diacetate. When using, however, a solution of perbtnzoic acid in chloroform, iodoxybenzene was the oxidation product. In the oxidation of iodobenzene by a solution of peracetic acid in chloroform or by a solution of perbenzoic acid in acetic acid, mixtures of C,H,IO and C,H,IO, were observed.Our investigation 1 ) showed that under favourable conditions the inductor (benzaldehyde) and the acceptor (iodobenzene) fixed the same quantity of oxygen.The substance formed by the induced oxidation of iodobenzene dissolved in benzaldehyde was proved to be the dibenzoate of iodosobenzene. When using a solution of benzaldehyde and iodobenzene in acetone the oxidation-product appeared to be mainly the monobenzoate of iodosobenzene.W e now tried to use acetaldehyde as inductor. A solution of iodobenzene in acetaldehyde was exposed to the action of oxygen in a 1) W. P. l o r i s s e n and Miss A. C. B. D e k k i n g , Rec. trav.chim.57.829(1938).