The collision cascade in Nb3Sn compounds is simulated by means of molecular dynamics technique. It is estimated, that focusing collisions propagate along the 〈120〉, 〈100〉, 〈111〉 directions and along the atomic chains of Nb. Formation of “antistructural” defects directly in the collision cascade seems to be hardly probable. The crystal structure of the cascade region is strongly disturbed after relaxation, which is likely to lead to distortion of the translational symmetry under irradiation by sufficiently large fluences. The comparison with the experimental data shows, that the calculated structures are observed at irradiation of Nb3Sn by light charged particles, during which cascade regions of small dimensions (≈ 15 Å) are formed. The results for Nb3Sn, irradiated by fast neutrons can be understood only in terms of evolution of a cascade region (≈ 70 Å) at the following stage of thermal spike. In this case, as distinct from the above mentioned, there may be local melting with subsequent superfast crystallization. Since the surrounding matrix keeps an ideal structure, in the cascade region the same structure should be observed; but atoms of Nb and Sn will not have enough time to occupy their right positions.