of Timoshenko systems with past history, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 339 (1) (2008) 482-502] considered the following Timoshenko-type systemwhere g is a positive differentiable exponentially decaying function. They established an exponential decay result in the case of equal wave-speed propagation and a polynomial decay result in the case of nonequal wave-speed propagation. In this paper, we study the same system, for g decaying polynomially, and prove polynomial stability results for the equal and nonequal wave-speed propagation. Our results are established under conditions on the relaxation function weaker than those in [H.D. Fernández Sare, J.E. Muñoz Rivera, Stability of Timoshenko systems with past history, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 339 (1) (2008) 482-502].