The essential narrowing of emission spectrum due to the configuration mixing with a symmetric exchange of symmetry is considered for ions with an open 4d N electron shell. The relativistic CI calculations have been performed for Sn 9+ -Sn
12+and Sb 10+ -Sb 11+ ions, which are the most promising emitters for EUV lithography, and for W q+ ions, which give a strong undesirable emission in tokamak plasma. It is shown that the inclusion of interaction with other energetically neighbouring configurations only weakly influences the integral characteristics of the main group of lines or quasicontinuum band -its total intensity, width, and shape. The similarity between photoexcitation and emission spectra, related with the ground level, that has been previously established for highly charged tungsten ions, manifests itself also at medium ionization degrees. The relative widths of intense groups of lines in such spectra of tin and antimony ions increase in comparison with tungsten; however, the spectra of Sn 9+ and Sb 10+ with a half-filled 4d 5 shell have an extremely narrow width.