Opium is botanically known as Papaver someniferum is cultivated in eastern countries and India only under license. Ahiphena cultivation is illegal in many countries due to its narcotic action. It is the source of various pharmaceutical alkaloids including morphine, codein etc. Ahiphena is not mentioned in Brihattrayee texts. Sharangdhara mentioned Ahiphena under Vyavaya Dravya in Raj Nighantu. Ahiphena comes under the class of Upavisha and it is used in various Kalpanas. Morphine is an analgesic opioid and is one of the most potent pain relievers. It has been used for pain relief and other indications for years. Morphine is highly addictive and its use is associated with significant physical and psychological dependence. Most commonly used in pain management, morphine provides major relief to patients afflicted with pain. Clinical situations that benefit greatly by medicating with morphine include management of palliative/end-of-life care, active cancer treatment, and vaso-occlusive pain during sickle cell crisis. Morphine also has off-label uses for painful conditions.