We prove a Poincaré duality theorem with products between Rabinowitz Floer homology and cohomology, for both closed and open strings. This lifts to a duality theorem between open-closed TQFTs. Specializing to the case of cotangent bundles, we define extended loop homology and cohomology and explain from a unified perspective pairs of dual results which have been observed over the years in the context of the search for closed geodesics. These concern critical levels, relations to the based loop space, manifolds all of whose geodesics are closed, Bott index iteration, level-potency, and homotopy invariance. We extend the loop cohomology product to include constant loops. We prove a relation conjectured by Sullivan between the loop product and the extended loop homology coproduct as a consequence of associativity for the product on extended loop homology.
ContentsKAI CIELIEBAK, NANCY HINGSTON, AND ALEXANDRU OANCEA 3.1. Rabinowitz Floer homology 3.2. Poincaré duality 4. Poincaré duality in symplectic homology 4.1. Recollections on Poincaré duality and exact sequences 4.2. TQFT operations on Floer homology 4.3. Products and the mapping cone 4.4. Poincaré duality with products 4.5. Proof of Theorems 1.1, 1.11, and 1.13 4.6. A Morse theoretic description of the Gysin sequence 4.7. Canonical splitting of the duality sequence and proof of Theorem 1.4 5. Open-closed TQFT structures 5.1. Primary open-closed TQFT structure in homology 5.2. Canonical operations 5.3. Duality of open-closed TQFTs 5.4. Topological interpretation of the open-closed and closed-open maps 6. BV structures and Poincaré duality 6.1. Twisted BV-structures 6.2. BV structure on loop homology 6.3. BV structure on extended loop homology Appendix A. Poincaré duality product on SH ă0 ˚pV, BV q via homotopies Appendix B. Grading conventions References