We studied the ontogeny of the eyestalk structure and of the L-CHH and d-Phe3-CHH synthesis in the X-organ/sinus gland (XO/SG) complex by light microscopy and immunocytochemistry in the freshwater crustacean Astacus leptodactylus. The optic ganglia start to differentiate in embryos at EI 190 microm (EI: eye index; close to 410 microm at hatching). At EI 270 microm, the three medullae (externa, interna, and terminalis) and the lamina ganglionaris are present and are organized as in the adult eyestalk. The L-CHH was localized in perikarya of neuroendocrine cells, in their tracts, and in SG from the metanauplius stage to the adult. The d-Phe3-CHH was visualized in XO perikarya, in their tracts and in SG of embryos from EI 350 microm and in all later studied stages. Co-localization of both CHH stereoisomers always occurred in the d-Phe3-CHH-producing cells. These results show that the synthesis of CHH enantiomers starts during the embryonic life in A. leptodactylus, and that the d-isomer is synthesized later than its L-counterpart. We discuss the post-translational isomerization as a way to generate hormonal diversity and the putative relation between d-Phe3-CHH synthesis and the ability to osmoregulate, occurring late during the embryonic life of Astacus leptodactylus.