The article provides an overview of the argillites raw material of Russia. It describes chemical and mineralogical characteristics of argillites and their main properties. It indicates that argillites chemistry has some peculiarities like high content of A2O3 – from 17 to 23 %, К2О – from 2,5 to 4,3 % and iron oxides from 4 to 7 %. Mineralogy of argillites includes two types of hydra micas: an isometric one being allothigenous constituent and a bladed one being the transformation product of montmorillonite underwent catageneses. Also argillites always contain kaolinite, chlorite, glauconite, quartz, plagioclase. The article contains the main requirements for paving clinker and ceramic tile and major trends of their production. Information about dependence of the effect of argillites reduction ratio and firing temperature on strength, absorption capacity and density of the samples is provided. Influence of their interconnected nature on the properties of the product is described. It is specified that due to finer argillites reduction in the size range of 0-0.16 – 0-1.25 mm, the samples strength increases 1.5-2.5 times. Higher firing temperature in the range from 900 to 1100 °C allows increasing strength 2-4 times. In given intervals of reduction ratio and firing temperature the index of water absorption capacity of less than 5 % needed for ceramic tile is achieved by size reduction of 0 – 0.315 mm and firing temperature of 1000 °C and higher. The water absorption capacity of less than 2.5 % needed for paving clinker is achieved by size reduction of 0 - 0.315 mm and firing temperature of 1050 °C and higher. Rationale for production perspectiveness of paving clinker and ceramic tile of low-temperature sintering based on argillites is provided.