In the long-term planning of repairs at power grid facilities in conditions of limited operational and investment resources, it is important to determine the "points of maximum return", that is, the objects whose repair will cause the greatest effect in terms of the company's target priorities. This requires an operational assessment and ranking of electric grid facilities, taking into account the technological and resource characteristics of the energy company. The article presents a decision-making methodology that, based on operational calculations and priority assessment, enables to identify power grid facilities with the highest repair efficiency in the sense of criteria characterizing the strategic goals of asset management of an energy company. The methodology combines methods of modeling and calculating the probabilities of failure in consumer power supply systems (PSS) with the determination of indices of the technical condition of equipment, methods for calculating labor costs for maintaining and restoring reliability and assessing damage from its disruptions.The developed methodology allows the energy company — the owner of assets, when choosing the most effective repair management system according to enlarged indicators and simplified models, to form prioritization lists of objects for which the critical repair rank corresponds to its strategic priorities. The possibility of cost estimation of the total labor costs for the maintenance of facilities for each of the received prioritization lists in comparison with the repair fund stated by the energy company expands the scope of the methodology and increases the validity of the decisions made. The methodology has been verified and confirmed by consideration on the example of a real PSS of oil fields using up-to-date operational information.