Let p be a prime number. Denote by C(x m ) and C(x n ) the companion matrices of the polynomials x m and x n of positive degree over the field Z p . Let and be non-zero elements of an extension field K of Z p . The Jordan form of the Kronecker product ðI þ Cðx m ÞÞ ðI þ Cðx n ÞÞ of invertible Jordan block matrices over K is determined via an equivalent study of the nilpotent transformation S(m, n) of the vector space of m  n matrices X over Z p defined by ðXÞSðm, nÞ ¼ Cðx m Þ T X þ X Cðx n Þ and represented by the Kronecker sum matrix Cðx m Þ I þ I Cðx n Þ. Using the p-adic expansions of m and n, an inductive method of constructing a Jordan basis for S(m, n) is described; this method is direct and based on classical formulae. The elementary divisors x L of S(m, n) and their multiplicities are specified in terms of these p-adic expansions, thus allowing computations in the representation algebra of a finite cyclic p-group to be carried out more readily than previously.