This note comprises a synthesis of certain results in the theory of exact interpolation between Hilbert spaces. In particular, we discuss the characterizations of all interpolation spaces [2] and of all quadratic interpolation spaces [13], and we give connections to other results in the area.
Interpolation theoretic notions1.1. Interpolation norms. When X, Y are normed spaces, we use the symbol L(X; Y ) to denote the totality of bounded linear maps T : X → Y with the operator normWhen X = Y we simply write L(X). Consider a pair of Hilbert (or even Banach-) spaces H = (H 0 , H 1 ) which is regular in the sense that H 0 ∩ H 1 is dense in H 0 as well as in H 1 . We assume that the pair is compatible in the sense that H i ⊂ M for i = 0, 1 where M is some Hausdorff topological vector space.We define the K-functional ( 1 ) for the couple H by