Wieler has shown that every irreducible Smale space with totally disconnected stable sets is a solenoid (i.e., obtained via a stationary inverse limit construction). Using her construction, we show that the associated stable C * -algebra is the stationary inductive limit of a C * -stable Fell algebra that has compact spectrum and trivial Dixmier-Douady invariant. This result applies in particular to Williams solenoids along with other examples. Beyond the structural implications of this inductive limit, one can use this result to in principle compute the K-theory of the stable C * -algebra. A specific onedimensional Smale space (the aab/ab-solenoid) is considered as an illustrative running example throughout. 1 2 ROBIN J. DEELEY AND ALLAN YASHINSKIunstably equivalent to some point in P. On the set X u (P), we consider the stable equivalence relation ∼ s , viewed as a groupoidThe groupoid G s (P) has anétale topology, and the stable C * -algebra of (X, ϕ) is the groupoid C * -algebra C * (G s (P)).In the case where X is a Wieler solenoid, we use the inverse limit structure to define a subrelation ∼ 0 of ∼ s . There is a corresponding subgroupoid (P), and therefore G 0 (P) isétale. Building on this, we use the fact that the inverse limit is stationary to prove the following result.Theorem 0.1. There is a nested sequence ofétale subgroupoidsThis allows one to reduce the study of G s (P) to G 0 (P), which is easier to understand. To see why it is easier, first note that the space X u (P) has a natural topology, which coincides with the topology of the diagonal subspace of G s (P). Note we never consider the subspace topology of X u (P) it inherits from X, as X u (P) is dense as a subset of X. Likewise the topology defined on G s (P) is not the same as the subspace topology it inherits as a subspace of X u (P) × X u (P). However, the topology of G 0 (P) does coincide with the subspace topology from