The evaluated data are presented for 11 known A=218 nulcides (Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa and U). For 218 Pb, 218 Bi, 218 At and 218 Pa, data are available only for the ground states. For 218 U, only the g.s. and a high-spin isomer are known, with no data on γ-ray transitions available. For 218 Po, ten excited states are known from 218 Bi decay, with no knowledge on the multipolarities of gamma-ray transitions. For 218 Th, five excited states in the g.s. band are known from an in-beam γ-ray study. Data on level half-lives, multipolarities and mixing ratios of gamma transitions is generally lacking for A=218 nuclei. The static magnetic dipole moment has been measured for only an isomer in 218 Fr. With the exception of a new nuclide, 218 Pb, and measurements of half-lives of ground states of a few nuclides of A=218 and A=222, no substantial structure information has become available since the previous evaluation in 2006. Q values are adopted from 2017Wa10 (AME-2016).