Abstract. We develop the theory of the doubling zeta integral of PiatetskiShapiro and Rallis for metaplectic groups Mp 2n , and we use it to give precise definitions of the local γ-factors, L-factors, and -factors for irreducible representations of Mp 2n × GL1, following the footsteps of Lapid and Rallis. §1. Introduction Some twenty-five years ago, Piatetski-Shapiro and Rallis [GPSR, part A] discovered a Rankin-Selberg integral representation for the standard L-function for G × GL 1 , where G is a classical group. This Rankin-Selberg integral is called the doubling zeta integral. The associated local zeta integral can be used,à la Tate, to define the local γ-factor γ(s, π × χ, ψ) for an irreducible representation π χ of G × GL 1 . This was sketched in [PSR], but the definitive treatment only appeared in the recent work of Lapid and Rallis [LR], which treated the case of symplectic, orthogonal, and unitary groups. There are, however, two classes of classical groups to which the theory of doubling zeta integrals applies but which were not treated in [LR]. The first of these is the class of metaplectic groups Mp 2n , which are the unique 2-fold covers of the symplectic groups Sp 2n . The other is the class of quaternion unitary groups, which are inner forms of symplectic and orthogonal groups (this case has in fact been treated in a recent preprint of Yamana [Y]).The purpose of this paper is to treat the theory of the doubling zeta integral for the metaplectic group Mp 2n , following the footsteps of Lapid and Rallis [LR]. In particular, given an irreducible genuine representation