We introduce a sharpened version of the well-known Lonely Runner Conjecture of Wills and Cusick. Given a real number x, let x denote the distance from x to the nearest integer. For each set of positive integer speeds v 1 , . . . , vn, we define the associated maximum loneliness to beThe Lonely Runner Conjecture asserts that ML(v 1 , . . . , vn) ≥ 1 n + 1 for all choices of v 1 , . . . , vn. If the Lonely Runner Conjecture is true, then the quantity 1/(n + 1) is the best possible, for there are known equality cases with ML(v 1 , . . . , vn) = 1/(n + 1). A natural but (to our knowledge) hitherto unasked question is:If v 1 , . . . , vn satisfy the Lonely Runner Conjecture but are not an equality case, must ML(v 1 , . . . , vn) be uniformly bounded away from 1/(n + 1)? We conjecture that, contrary to what one might expect, this question has an affirmative answer that reflects an underlying rigidity of the problem. More precisely, we conjecture that for each choice of v 1 , . . . , vn, we have either ML(v 1 , . . . , vn) = s/(ns + 1) for some s ∈ N or ML(v 1 , . . . , vn) ≥ 1/n. Our main results are: confirming this stronger conjecture for n ≤ 3; and confirming it for n = 4 and n = 6 in the case where one speed is much faster than the rest. We also obtain a number of related results.