A microscopic theory of spin-wave modes in exchange-coupled bilayer films is presented. Using the interface inhomogeneity model (an effective interface exchange coupling parameter is introduced) as well as the Heisenberg model in the spin (exchange and Zeeman) Hamiltonian, an energy dispersion relation and spin-wave mode functions for the exchange-coupled bilayer ferromagnetic films are derived. The theory is valid for Bravais lattices with arbitrary type of film surface/interface orientation at perpendicular (to the film surface) configuration of the static external field and arbitrary ferro/antiferromagnetic value of the interface exchange coupling. The semi-classical picture of the bilayer spin-wave modes is elaborated and the influence of the interface coupling parameter on the shape of the modes is discussed. Then, a detailed discussion of the conditions for the occurrence of interface-localized spin-wave modes is given. The analysis of the interface mode properties is based on the exact solution of the eigenvalue problem of a bilayer film achieved by the interface rescaling approach. Subsequently, a microscopic theory of the ferromagnetic resonance effect in the exchange-coupled bilayer films is developed. It is shown that when intrinsic surface anisotropies are absent the pattern of the resonance spectrum is determined solely by the nature of the interface exchange-coupling integral JAB. When this integral couplesferrornagnetically (JAB > 0) the sublayer spins at the interface, the resonance spectrum consists of only one resonance line which is insensitive to the strength of the coupling. On the contrary, when coupling is antiferromagnetic (JAB < 0), the resonance spectrum is multipeak in nature with the first two (high-field side) lines exhibiting pronounced intensities. When antiferromagnetic coupling is weak, the intensity pattern of these two lines is "regular" (i.e. I, > 12); however, for stronger antiferromagnetic coupling, an inversion of these intensities occurs leading to an "inverted" intensity pattern (Il < 12) in accordance with certain experimental results. Moreover it is shown that inversion of the intensities (caused by negative JAB) is due to the fact that the highest-field line arises by excitation of the mode which is localized on the bilayer interface. It is also shown that this mode represents a bilayer complex vibration formed by the in-phase combination of the sublayer vibrations, and this result corrects the general belief of experimenters that the mode under consideration is due to out-of-phase combination of sublayer vibrations.Eine mikroskopische Theorie der Spin-Wellenmoden in Austausch-gekoppelten diinnen Bi-Schichten wird angegeben. Sowohl mit dem Grenzflachen-Inhomogenitatsmodell (ein effektiver Grenzflachenaustauschkopplungsparameter wird eingefiihrt) als auch mit dem Heisenberg-Modell im (Austausch und Zeeman) Spin-Hamiltonoperator werden eine Energiedispersionsbeziehung und Spinwellenmodenfunktionen fur die austauschgekoppelten diinnen ferromagnetischen Bi-Schichten abgelei...