Linked and fused arrays, as well as stacked multidecker complexes, with basic tetrapyrrole units as important p-conjugated systems, are of significant interests for advanced molecular materials with potential applications in the field of organic field transistors (OFETs), [1] nonlinear optics (NLO), [2] and solar cells. [3] Efforts towards extended tetrapyrrole motifs have led to new synthetic methodologies that have resulted in new tetrapyrrole systems with one-, [4] two-, [5] and even three-dimensional conjugated structures. [6, 7] Threedimensional, conjugated, sandwich-type, tetrapyrrole-metal, double-and triple-decker complexes, which have been fabricated by incorporating large metal centers into stacked tetrapyrrole (with two-dimensional conjugation) multidecker systems, [7] have been intensively studied due to the intriguing spectroscopic, [7b,c, 8] electrochemical, [9] and magnetic properties, [10] as well as potential applications in molecular mechanical devices.[11] However, stacked tetrapyrrole-metal complexes with sandwich-type structures have not exceeded three tetrapyrroles until the very recent reports on the tetrakis(tetrapyrrole)-rare-earth-cadmium compounds with a quadruple-decker molecular configuration. [10e, 12] The lack of these type of structures is associated with the limitations in the selection of an appropriate metal ion with suitable coordination number, geometry, charge, and hard/soft-acid/base behavior to match the coordination algorithm of tetrapyrroles. Herein we describe the facile synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and electrochemical properties of new, sandwich-type, homoleptic, pentakis(phthalocyaninato), quintuple-decker complexes composed of two bis(phthalocyaninato)-lanthanideA C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (III) subunits bridged by two cadmium(II) ions and one phthalocyanine ligand (Scheme 1).A simple one-pot synthetic pathway, which starts from neutral unprotonated bis(2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octa- The sandwich-type nature of the quintuple-decker molecular structure of 1-3 was clearly revealed by MALDI-TOF MS and NMR spectroscopy. The MALDI-TOF mass spectra of these three compounds showed intense signals for the protonated molecular ion [M + H] + ( Figure S1 and Table S1 in the Supporting Information), which indicated the composition of two trivalent lanthanide cations, two divalent cadmium cations, and five divalent phthalocyanine anions. Satisfactory NMR spectra were obtained for the three sandwichtype, pentakis(phthalocyaninato), heterometal, quintupledecker complexes 1-3.
A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (butyloxy)phthalocyaninato) (H 2 PcA C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (OC