Consider a sequence {X i (0)} n i=1 of i.i.d. random variables.Associate to each X i (0) an independent mean-one Poisson clock. Every time a clock rings replace that X-variable by an independent copy and restart the clock. In this way, we obtain i.i.d. stationary processes {X i (t)} t≥0 (i = 1, 2, · · · ) whose invariant distribution is the law ν of X 1 (0). Benjamini et al. (2003) introduced the dynamical walk S n (t) = X 1 (t) + · · · + X n (t), and proved among other things that the LIL holds for n → S n (t) for all t. In other words, the LIL is dynamically stable. Subsequently (2004b), we showed that in the case that the X i (0)'s are standard normal, the classical integral test is not dynamically stable.Presently, we study the set of times t when n → S n (t) exceeds a given envelope infinitely often. Our analysis is made possible thanks to a connection to the Kolmogorov ε-entropy. When used in conjunction with the invariance principle of this paper, this connection has other interesting by-products some of which we relate.We prove also that the infinite-dimensional process t → S n• (t)/ √ n converges weakly in D (D([0, 1])) to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in C ([0, 1]). For this we assume only that the increments have mean zero and variance one.In addition, we extend a result of Benjamini et al. (2003) by proving that if the X i (0)'s are lattice, mean-zero variance-one, and possess (2 + ε) finite absolute moments for some ε > 0, then the recurrence of the origin is dynamically stable. To prove this we derive a gambler's ruin estimate that is valid for all lattice random walks that have mean zero and finite variance. We believe the latter may be of independent interest.