Given an integer n ≥ 2, let λ(n) := (log n)/(log γ (n)), where γ (n) = p|n p, denote the index of composition of n, with λ(1) = 1. Letting φ and σ stand for the Euler function and the sum of divisors function, we show that both λ(φ(n)) and λ(σ (n)) have normal order 1 and mean value 1. Given an arbitrary integer k ≥ 2, we then study the size of min{λ(φ(n)), λ(φ(n + 1)), . . . , λ(φ(n + k − 1))} and of min{λ(σ (n)), λ(σ (n + 1)), . . . , λ(σ (n + k − 1))} as n becomes large.2000 Mathematics subject classification: primary 11N25; secondary 11A25.