When seeds of soybeans (Gycuine mar Amsoy var.) or safflower were stored under high 02 concentrations, their per cent germination declined rapidly. For example, soybean seeds stored under 7.7 atmospheres 02 pressure at 25°C and 17% moisture lost afl viability within 22 days, whereas under 7.7 atmospheres N2, the per cent germination remained greater than 80%. Germination decreased continually in 02 pressures ranging from 0 to 7.7 atmospheres. To avoid contamination by microorganisms during germination tests, we found a brief treatment of the seeds with 1% NaOCl solution to be essential. This treatment caused no decrease in per cent germination when compared to seeds tested without this surface sterilization. Furthermore, in our preliminary experiments, we observed that similar 02-dependent seed death occurred in both NaOCl and untreated seeds. To measure germination, samples of at least 50 seeds were immersed in distilled H20 for 30 min to allow imbibition (first 5 min in 1% sodium NaOCl for surface sterilization) and placed on filter paper-lined, 9-cm Petri dishes (25 seeds/dish), to which 7.5 ml distilled H20 was added. Seeds in dishes were incubated in darkness at 25°C for 3 d before scoring. Seeds with emerged, intact radicles were considered to have germinated. The per cent germination of the sample was taken as a measure of its viability. All experiments have been performed at least twice and in each case the results from the different sets of experiments are in good agreement. Conclusions from each experiment are statistically valid at the 95% confidence level.For those experiments in which it was desired to raise the seed moisture above its initial level of 10%o, seeds were rinsed in 1% NaOCl solution and soaked in distilled H20 for various times (2-5 min). The moisture content of the seeds was determined by difference in weight after drying for 3 h at 130°C in a forced air oven and is expressed as per cent of fresh weight of the seeds. Drying for 3 h in our oven was observed to yield constant weight.For high-pressure treatments, seeds were contained in stainless steel chambers of a model L.G.P. Oxygen Aging Block' (Scott Testers, Inc., Providence, RI). High purity oxygen and nitrogen were obtained from Matheson (East Rutherford, NJ) and used without further purification.In experiments designed to approximate published procedures for accelerated aging (1,14,15,17,18)