and PRZYBYI.SKA, M. The microheterogeneity of human haptoglobin and its complex with hemoglobin. Can. J. Biochem. 51,597-685 ( 1973 ).Human haptoglobin, type 1s-IS, isolated from plasma and from ascites fluid was subjected to isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel and its complex with horse cyaiaomethemoglobin was analyzed by isoelectric focusing in a column using a sucrose density gradient. Both methods revealed microheterogeneity. Similar patterns were obtained consisting of five to eight strong bands with a symmetrical distribution giving the highest yield in the center. An investigation of the nature of these bands was carried out and it was found that the sialic acid content varied in the different components. Experiments were undertaken to show that the multiple bands were not due to the binding of Ampholine to the protein and that this heterogeneity preexisted in haptoglobin prior to its isolation. No observable difference in heterogeneity was observed between samples of haptoglobin isolated by different methods and for complexes obtained by adding hemoglobin to haptoglobin and haptoglobin to hemoglobin.The unfractionated complex and the separated complex components were crystallized. YANG, N. J., et PRZYBYESKA, M. The microheterogeneity of human haptoglobin and its complex with hemoglobin. Can. J. Biochem. 51, 597-605 ( 1973 ). E'haptoglobine humaine de type IS-IS, isolCe du plasma et du liquide des ascites, est soumise la focalisation isoClectrique dans un gel de polyacrylamide et son complexe avec la cyano-mCthCmoglobine de cheval est analyst5 par focalisation isoCleetrique sur colonne, en prtsence d'un gradient de densit6 de saccharose. Les deux mCthodes rCvklent la microhCtCrog6nCitC. Les profils obtenus sont semblables et ils sont form& de einq B huit bandes importantes, distribuies de faqon symttrique, donnant un rendement plus ClevC dans le centre. La recherche de la nature de ces bandes nous a montrC que la teneur en acide sialique varie dans les diffCrents composCs. Des expCriences ont dCmontrC que les bandes multiples ne sont pas dues B la liaison de 1'Ampholine B la protCine et que cette httCrogCntit6 existait dCjB dans l'haptoglobine avant son isolation. Nsus n'avons observt aucune diECrence dans IVhCtCrogCnCitC entre les Cchantillons d'haptoglobine isolCe par diffCrentes mCthsdes et pour les complexes obtenus par addition d'hemoglobine B l'haptoglobine et d'haptoglobine h I'hCmoglobine. Le complexe non fractionnC et les constituants sCparCs du complexe sont cristallisCs. [Traduit par le journal]