We analyze a similar scheme for producing light-mediated entanglement between atomic ensembles, as first realized by Julsgaard, Kozhekin and Polzik [Nature 413, 400 (2001)]. In the standard approach to modeling the scheme, a Holstein-Primakoff approximation is made, where the atomic ensembles are treated as bosonic modes, and is only valid for short interaction times. In this paper, we solve the time evolution without this approximation, which extends the region of validity of the interaction time. For short entangling times, we find this produces a state with similar characteristics as a two-mode squeezed state, in agreement with standard predictions. For long entangling times, the state evolves into a non-Gaussian form, and the two-mode squeezed state characteristics start to diminish. This is attributed to more exotic types of entangled states being generated. We characterize the states by examining the Fock state probability distributions, Husimi Q distributions, and non-local entanglement between the ensembles. We compare and connect several quantities obtained using the Holstein-Primakoff approach and our exact time evolution methods.